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World Youth Skills Day: ASTM supports the professional growth of the younger generation

World Youth Skills Day: ASTM supports the professional growth of the younger generation

July 15 marks World Youth Skills Day, an opportunity to reflect on the importance of providing young people with the tools and knowledge they need to be better prepared for their working life. This occasion, established by the United Nations in 2014, aims to promote the importance of youth empowerment, highlighting the crucial role that young people, true agents of change, play in the social, economic and political development of communities and the country system.

The ASTM Group is at the front line in the enhancing of young people and their skills. A first concrete example of this commitment is the participation in the Investor Program of the Politecnico di Milano, one of Italy’s leading universities dedicated to scientific-technological education. In this integrated plan of events, workshops and round tables, ASTM brings professionals who, by sharing their path, can be a source of concrete inspiration for students in their professional choices. A second example is given by Andiamo sul Sicuro, a travelling road education tour dedicated to primary and secondary school students in all the territories crossed by the Group’s concession holders in Italy.

ASTM is dedicated to supporting young people in their growth path, on the one hand by collaborating with schools and universities to promote an education close to real market needs, and on the other hand by developing the culture of road safety, a crucial issue for boys and girls starting to move autonomously.

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