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UN Global Road Safety Campaign launched, ASTM present and committed to raising awareness

UN Global Road Safety Campaign launched, ASTM present and committed to raising awareness

The ASTM Group participated in the launch of the United Nations Global Campaign for Road Safety in Italy, which is part of the worldwide movement for safe and sustainable mobility “Intergenerational Dialogue on Road Safety.” The launch took place on a historical bus in Milan, which passed through the streets and squares of the city in the presence of Italian authorities and representatives of the United Nations. The initiative was promoted by the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Road Safety, Jean Todt.

The campaign was created to launch simple and clear messages that can most clearly convey road safety rules: wear a seatbelt, drive slowly, wear a motorcycle helmet, do not text while driving, do not drive under the influence of alcohol or when tired, and respect pedestrians.

These messages are supported by the voices of 14 world celebrities, including sports champions Didier Drogba, Charles Leclerc, Marc Marquez, Novak Djokovic, musicians such as Kylie Minogue, as well as stars of the silver screen-Patrick Dempsey and Michael Fassbender.

Through the testimony of Roberto Arditi of SINA, the Group’s engineering company, ASTM explained its commitment to spreading the culture of road safety among the younger generation.

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