09 November 2023 Standard Ethics raises ASTM’s ESG rating to “EE+”
Standard Ethics, an independent rating agency that measures corporate sustainability, announced today that it has raised the ASTM Group’s Corporate Standard Ethics Rating (SER) to “EE+” (Very Strong) from the previous “EE” assigned last December.
In the agency’s reasons for upgrading ASTM’s ranking, the Group’s structural commitment to ESG issues and sustainability governance framework are recognized. Standard Ethics emphasized how the international expansion promoted by the Group over the years, especially to Brazil and North America, has kept the Sustainability strategy firmly in place, conforming extra-financial reporting to best practices, and how the commitment to ESG issues is confirmed by the constant alignment with UN, OECD and European Union guidelines.
This important result reflects the synergistic contribution of all the different business sectors and markets in which the Group operates and demonstrates the fundamental role that Sustainability plays within the company, both on a domestic and international scale.
To read the Standard Ethics press release click here.