Born in Agrigento on 31 October 1979.
Partner in the law firm Bonelli Erede, Mr Alfano is an expert in civil and company law, and in international relations and economic diplomacy. He has held a number of significant institutional positions, including as a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies from 2001 to 2018. Between 2008 and 2018, he was a Minister in three different Ministries, namely the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was Deputy Prime Minister between 2013 and 2014. Alfano was a member of the Council of European Union for the Justice and Internal Affairs sectors and member of the European Union Council for Foreign Affairs. During Italy’s presidency semester in 2014, he chaired the Council of the European Union for Internal Affairs. In May 2009, he chaired the G8 Justice, in 2013 the G6 Interior Ministers and in 2017 the G7 Foreign Ministers, as well as the UN Security Council also in 2017. He is currently Chairman of the Fondazione De Gasperi and Chairman of the Policlinico San Donato Group. He was for five years adjunct professor of the course “Euro-Mediterranean Region” course at the LUISS University of Rome for the Masters’ degree in political science.
Bborn in Rome on 4 March 1975.
He graduated with a degree in Engineering Management from the Tor Vergata University of Rome, specialising in Transport Planning. After beginning his professional career in Texas Instruments, gaining important experiences in Italy and abroad, he has covered different positions, starting from the technology sector, where in a few years he became CEO of Sinelec, the Group’s technology hub. He then moved on to the Motorway Concessionaires sector, holding the position of CEO of SATAP, Torino-Milano, Autostrada dei Fiori, Autostrada Asti Cuneo, and SITAF Traforo del Frejus. He reached the position of CEO in 2018 of SIAS S.p.A., the Group’s holding company in the sector, listed on the Milan Stock Exchange. Following the merger by incorporation of SIAS into ASTM in December 2019, he was appointed CEO of ASTM.