Inside ASTM

Employee testimonials.
A company is made of people. On this page, our employees tell their stories, talk about their aspirations, passions and the skills that make the ASTM Group what it is today.
Join them to discover ASTM.

GIULIA FORCAIA - Corporate Governance and Compliance Department

«I work in the Corporate Governance and Compliance Office of Sinelec, a technology player of the ASTM Group. We manage the privacy, corporate sphere and the organizational model ex D. Lgs 231/2001. I am in charge of verifying that the company’s procedures in the aforementioned areas are in line with the requirements of the GDPR and relevant regulations. I feel gratified by my work when, through my activity and work experience, I can be supportive of my colleagues and the company.»

KANAKHIN VADYM - Cost Accountant

«I have been working in Itinera, the Group’s EPC contractor, as a Technical Site Accountant since 2011. Combining technical and financial aspects, I deal with planning, budgeting, cost control, and review of subcontracts and supply contracts. I also manage the Common Data Environment (CDE) and internal site data sharing systems. I enjoy relating with colleagues and being a reference not only for technical issues but also for information technology, my great passion.»

GIUSEPPE DE ROSA – Finance Manager

«I am in charge of Finance and Cash Management in ASTM. Through my work I have the opportunity to contribute concretely not only to the development of the Group, but also to the territories in which it operates. The centrality of the issue of sustainability in our business strategy makes my role even more interesting: finance becomes a tool for sustainable development. For me, working in the ASTM Group means “confrontation” with the different professional figures who bring specific and multidisciplinary know-how, it means “understanding” the experiences and skills of others, and it means, finally, “growth” and continuous learning on increasingly challenging issues.»

GIULIA DEMICHELI – Sustainability Specialist

«After graduating in Environmental Engineering, I join Itinera’s Management Systems and Sustainability Office. In collaboration with the Holding ASTM, I deal with issues related to ESG aspects of the company: drafting Sustainability Report, analyzing and monitoring objectives and calculating strategic KPIs. The challenging environment allows me to collaborate with different business functions and colleagues from all over the world, with different backgrounds and experiences that enrich me greatly.»