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Commitment and investments to upgrade the motorway network: intervention on the Gravagna viaduct among the best-practices

Commitment and investments to upgrade the motorway network: intervention on the Gravagna viaduct among the best-practices

Maintaining and upgrading the network under concession is among the main objectives of ASTM, the world’s second-largest motorway operator with more than 6,200 km managed. This is a daily and constant commitment that requires technical expertise and significant investment, necessary both to renovate a complex heritage of structures (tunnels and viaducts) that dates back to different historical periods, and to digitalise the infrastructure in favour of increasingly safe and sustainable mobility.

This commitment is reflected in an industrial approach to asset management, aimed at enhancing the infrastructure lifecycle and the travel experience offered to the user. In 2023, ASTM invested a total of about €1.5 billion on its highway network in Italy and Brazil, upgrading it.

The demolition and reconstruction of the Gravagna viaduct, along the A15 Parma-La Spezia highway managed by SALT, is a concrete example of the implementation of the modernization plans set by the Group’s concessionaires. An iconic work built in the early 1970’s, it has been the subject, over time, of numerous maintenance and adaptation activities, until 2023, when demolition and reconstruction work began. More details about the project and the delicate demolition phase using explosives that has just been completed can be found in the press release.

Visit the dedicated section on the SALT website.

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