Born in Agrigento on 31 October 1979.
Partner in the law firm Bonelli Erede, Mr Alfano is an expert in civil and company law, and in international relations and economic diplomacy. He has held a number of significant institutional positions, including as a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies from 2001 to 2018. Between 2008 and 2018, he was a Minister in three different Ministries, namely the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was Deputy Prime Minister between 2013 and 2014. Alfano was a member of the Council of European Union for the Justice and Internal Affairs sectors and member of the European Union Council for Foreign Affairs. During Italy’s presidency semester in 2014, he chaired the Council of the European Union for Internal Affairs. In May 2009, he chaired the G8 Justice, in 2013 the G6 Interior Ministers and in 2017 the G7 Foreign Ministers, as well as the UN Security Council also in 2017. He is currently Chairman of the Fondazione De Gasperi and Chairman of the Policlinico San Donato Group. He was for five years adjunct professor of the course “Euro-Mediterranean Region” course at the LUISS University of Rome for the Masters’ degree in political science.
Born in Rome on March 4, 1975.
He graduated with a degree in Engineering Management from the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, specialising in Transport Planning. After starting his professional career in Texas Instruments, developing important experiences in Italy and abroad, he joined the ASTM Group, holding various positions over the years.
He began his professional career in the technology sector until becoming CEO of Sinelec, the Group’s technology player. He then moved on to the motorway concessionaires’ sectors, holding the position of CEO of SATAP, concessionaire of the “Turin-Milan”, CEO of the concessionaires “Autostrada dei Fiori”, “Autostrada Asti Cuneo” and “SITAF” concessionaire of the motorway “Torino-Bardonecchia” and the “Frejus Tunnel”, until reaching, in 2018, the position of CEO of SIAS, the Group’s holding company that encompasses its holdings in the concessions sector. Following the merger by incorporation of SIAS into ASTM in December 2019, he was appointed CEO of ASTM, a position in which he was reappointed in April 2024. He is currently Vice President of AISCAT, Associazione Italiana Società Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori (Italian Association of Motorway and Tunnel Concessionary Companies).
Born in Tarquinia (VT) on 9 October 1951.
He graduated with a degree in Industrial Sciences with a focus on Business and Economics from the Akademie Erisau (Switzerland). He is the founder and CEO of AXEL Glocal Business, a business consultancy firm specialising in strategy, business and finance. HI appointments include Chairman of OVS, Deputy Chairman of Zignago Vetro S.p.A. And board member of DiaSorin S.p.A., Clessidra Capital Credit SGR and Pellegrini S.p.A. He was also Chief Executive Officer of Il Sole24Ore (from 11/2016 to 06/2017), Chief Executive Officer of the Amplifon Group (from 2004 to 2016), and after various senior positions in Italy in France, he was CEO of Air Liquide Italia from 1999 to 2004. In the ASTM Group he was Deputy Chairman of the AIAS, and has also served as Chairman of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
Born in Borgo San Dalmazzo, Cuneo, on 30 January 1960.
She holds a degree in Political Science and Law from the University of Turin and works as a notary, specialising in various areas of civil, commercial, corporate, bankruptcy, fiscal and tax law. She is currently Deputy Chairwoman of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino and Chairwoman of the Audit Committee. She has previously been a board member for Banca Fideuram, Impregilo SpA and Unicredit Leasing, and Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Committee for the Compagnia di San Paolo. She is the author of numerous publications and has spoken at many conferences on the topic of corporate law.
Born in Alessandria on 13 October 1965.
He obtained a degree in Economics from Kensington University in Glendale, California. He holds various positions within the Gavio Group, operating in the motorway concessions, construction and engineering, transport and logistics, technology and yachting sectors. He is currently Chairman of Aurelia S.r.l. – the Gavio family’s holding company – and Nuova Argo and is a Director of Ecorodovias Infraestrutura e Logistica SA, Brazil’s leading motorway operator. He is also Chairman of Baglietto, a historic Italian yacht building brand and is a member of the boards of directors of several companies in the transport, logistics, services and sports sectors.
Born in Roma on 29 November 1976.
He holds a degree in Business Administration from Luigi Bocconi University in Milan and an MBA from The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. He is Senior Managing Director and Co-Head of Ardian Infrastructure Americas. At Ardian, he manages and oversees investments both US and Europe in wide range of infrastructure sectors. He is currently a board member of Ardian US, Maple Canada Solutions, MXT Holdings and Ecorodovias. Previously, among others, he served on the Boards of: 2iReteGas, SEA (Chairman of the Remuneration Committee), 3New, Skyline, HISI. He joined Ardian in 2007. Previously, he worked at Merrill Lynch, in the European Leveraged Finance team in London, UBS Investment Bank in Milan, in the Corporate Finance team, and J.P. Morgan, in the TMT team in London.
Born in Rome on 12 October 1953.
He graduated in Civil Engineering in 1976 from La Sapienza University, Rome (Unitelma Sapienza). He is Sole Director of M4i S.p.A., a company providing consulting and support to international Infrastructure Funds. He was appointed to the Board of Directors of ASTM in 2021 and has been a director of Itinera since 2018. He is also currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aeroporto Friuli-Venezia Giulia S.p.A. He has held numerous positions in the infrastructure sector, including Chief Executive Officer of HISI s.r.l. And HISI Management S.r.l., Head of Concessions at Techint, CEO of ICOMA, and founding partner and director of European Towers S.p.A. He was previously Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer of CogefarImpresit.
Born in Milan on 10 October 1964.
He holds a degree in Business Economics from Luigi Bocconi University and earned a MBA from the Sloan School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT. He is Chairman of the ASTM Audit and Risk Committee and Chairman of the Sustainability Committee. Previously, he was Vice President of Italian Hospitality Collection and a Director of FITD – Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi, SIA, DeA Capital Alternative Funds SGR, Maire Tecnimont and SIAS. He spent his career in investment banking working for Barclays Bank, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Nomura in New York, London and Italy. He was also senior advisor to Long Term Partners and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and is now senior advisor to the CEO of Deloitte Italia.
Born in Catania in 1984.
She graduated with honours in Economics and Finance from LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. She has been Managing Director of Ardian Infrastructure for which he has been working in Milan since 2021. Previously, she spent over 14 years in Investment Banking at Deutsche Bank, in the Italian Investment Banking team in Milan and the Global Industrial & Infrastructure team in London. During her career, she has worked on several extraordinary finance transactions in Italy and Europe, with a strong focus on mergers and acquisitions, and with a specialisation in the energy and infrastructure sectors.
* Indipendent director