27 March 2023 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: a word from Pietro Contegno, CIO of ASTM
Pietro Contegno, Chief Information Officer of ASTM, spoke at “All In – BALANCES. Technology. Happiness. Future.”, a day dedicated to business and discussion, to outline a sustainable way of being and living in a company. The event, structured in a series of talks with different thematic strands, brought together decision-makers of some of the main Italian companies last Friday 24th March.
Within the “Service & Utility” session, Pietro Contegno explored the topics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) as key elements for generating a competitive advantage in responding to the mobility challenges of the future.
Ever-increasing traffic, mobility needs that multiply and diversify and economic objectives to keep costs under control while delivering effective service are just some of the critical issues that road operators must face. Technology plays a decisive role in the digital and ecological transformation processes of infrastructures, for safer and more sustainable mobility.
Pietro Contegno, in the double vest of Chief Information Officer of the ASTM Group and Digital Transformation Officer of Sinelec, technological player of the Group, made his contribution by describing the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace: by transferring repetitive activities to software processes, it is possible to free up time of people and reorient them to undertake more productive and interesting tasks.
AI and ML find direct application in Sinelec solutions for traffic management and toll collection, for example through the ability to predict short-term vehicular flows and the ability to associate all the information collected by field devices on a vehicle in transit in a single digital fingerprint.
For more information on the event: https://allin.injenia.it/