07 June 2024 Derthona Basket and ASTM together again, united in the values of sport
ASTM Group and Bertram Yachts Derthona Basket, a team in Italy’s top basketball league, still walk side by side. ASTM is proud to confirm its support for the club, in continuity with what has been going on since 2021. The 2023/2024 sport season has just ended and Derthona Basket, in the LBA (Lega Basket A) for three years, has qualified for the playoffs for the third year in arow, involving an ever-increasing number of fans in a truly exciting journey.
The sponsorship of ASTM Group, founded on the sharing of values such as commitment, collaboration and passion, will therefore continue in the coming season, for which great novelties are expected: in addition to welcoming new players, the club will move to the “Cittadella dello Sport,” a structure that will house the innovative 5,000-seat arena, multipurpose facilities and large green spaces.
The hub will be in Tortona, Piedmont, where both ASTM Group have their headquarters, and will be at the full disposal of the territory for sports and entertainment events.
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